Toy Trains VR

Toy Trains VR is an engaging retro-tabletop-stylized puzzle game featuring adorable railroad pieces.

Strong sides:

  • Charming cartoonish graphics
  • Intuitive controls and user-friendly interface
  • Great atmosphere and well-crafted level design
  • Cute characters and models
  • Accessible and easy-to-use mechanics

Weak sides:

  • Missing difficulty settings
  • Camera controls aren't good
  • Very light and short story line
  • No sandbox mode and custom level editor

Summary and conclusion:

Wonderfully-crafted short game to solve simple puzzles and enjoy train models you've been so missing in your childhood :)
Toy Trains VR

Rating: 4 from 5 - recommended, but...
with some limitations

Game is available on:

PC VR (STEAM)PS Store (PSVR2)Meta AppLab
Tested on:
Meta Quest 2

Game performance:
Game haves great performance on Quest 2

Review by: Pheonics

Official game trailer and our gameplay footage


A techno-trip gesture-like audiovisual experience, successor of legendary Thumper rhythm game with totally different mechanics and visuals

Riven VR

Nicely made remake of famous adventure game from 1990's with focus on puzzle solving, mystery and rich story line.